Get Warped! (RIGID HEDDLE)
Get Warped! (RIGID HEDDLE)
Get inspired to make your own scarf or place mat project!
Participants will learn how to measure the warp yarns and thread them onto a rigid heddle loom using the direct warp method.
All supplies - yarn, looms and tools - are provided.
Participants can bring their own rigid heddle loom (maximum size 24") and yarn from their stash. Supplies can also be purchased at Spun. Class participants will receive 10% discount on yarn purchased for the class project.
This is a half day weaving workshop with a break mid-session and as needed.
Morning classes start at 9:00am until 1:00pm.
Afternoon classes start at 1:00pm until 5:00pm.
The class taught by Cayenna Hanna and is held outdoors at Spun in Palisade.
Participants can choose to make a scarf or place mat. Please discuss individual project ideas with Cayenna prior to class.
MINIMUM CLASS SIZE: 2 Participants/ MAX: 4 Participants